Stop Playing
Stop Playing
At Mega Casino, we prioritize responsible gaming and provide players with the option to take a break from playing at any time. Whether you need a short pause or wish to permanently stop, we offer a dedicated Stop Playing section on our website where you can set your preferred duration for Stop-Playing.
Temporary and permanent pauses
Players can choose between:
Temporary Suspension – Set a predefined period during which you will be unable to place bets or access gaming features. Once the period expires, your account will automatically regain full functionality.
Permanent Exclusion – If you decide to permanently stop playing, this option will permanently restrict access to all gaming activities. This decision is irreversible.
Account and progress retention
We strongly discourage creating a new wallet address to bypass a self-imposed pause. Using a new address will result in the loss of all ranks, rewards, achievements, and historical gameplay data, forcing you to start over from scratch. To maintain your progress, we recommend using the official Stop Playing feature rather than switching accounts.
For more details on responsible gaming and stop-playing options, please visit our Responsible Gaming section.
Last updated